Stranglehold Page

In the 1960′s, filmmkaker Myles Jewell's grandfather, Phil DiNatale, worked relentlessly as an investigator on the case of the Boston Strangler. But despite Phil's meticulous investigative efforts, the case got caught in Boston’s political cross hairs and was never officially solved. Now, fifty years later, Myles plunges headfirst into his grandfather’s immense homemade detective archive to reveal never-before-seen details about the Strangler investigation. Part historical film, part personal documentary, and part whodunit, STRANGLEHOLD tells the story of a beat cop turned famed detective, Phil DiNatale, and the long-lasting effects his investigative legacy has had on his family for generations.


Visit the website to see Awards and Press.


STRANGLEHOLD "the Series" is a footnote to the feature documentary, STRANGLEHOLD: In the Shadow of the Boston Strangler.

 In an investigation, every bit of information makes it into a case file, unlike in storytelling, were select story lines are followed and others left on the cutting room floor. As a result, this web-based series is an attempt to self-produce and self-publish as much of the investigation of Phil DiNatale and his involvement as a lead investigator on the case of the Boston Strangler. Through the form of short videos, and in the vein of an investigation, this series is our families effort to get Detective DiNatale's story into the public sphere. Entirely self-produced and self-distributed, our aim is to tell Phil’s side of the investigation as it should be told, in full, while using cold hard documentation.

VISIT The Series to see all episodes.


The 80 minute documentary is the first feature documentary from director Myles David Jewell, who spent four years making the film under the guidance of his producer, Cheryl Furjanic, and his Uncle, John DiNatale. John has been an investigator since his father started taking him on surveillance cases, doubling as driving lessons, when he was only 16. As a result, STRANGLEHOLD: In the Shadow of the Boston Strangler, showcases an expertise on what it means to conduct an investigation, and what that process looks like. Focusing mostly on the homemade archive of Detective Phil DiNatale, the documentary is produced for festival screenings, limited theatrical release, broadcast, VOD/digital distribution, and classroom engagements/Criminology courses.